Experiments in Groups Making Posters


Jersey Arts Center
Hermitage Sykaminea
Researchers Office
This is a series of posters designed during collective workshops. Produced in collaboration with artist Leslie Lawrence, these workshops are part of a research project that takes as its starting point the desire to reinvent the relationship between graphic designer and clients through experimenting with decision-making processes.
Série d'affiches conçues lors d'ateliers collectifs. Réalisés en collaboration avec l'artiste Leslie Lawrence, ces ateliers s'inscrivent dans un projet de recherche qui prend comme point de départ la volonté de réinventer la relation entre graphiste et client à travers différents processus de prise de décision expérimentals.


a. final poster

b. workshop with Nicola Baratto, Alban Karsten, Leslie Lawrence, Kitty Maria, Léo Ravy, Sophia Simensky and Sun Chang


c. final poster

d. 16 inital posters

e. tracing process

f. tracing result

g. coloring process

h. coloring result

i. workshop with Maria Christoforidou, Tomas  Eyzaguirre, Walter Götsch, Anna Housiada, Leslie Lawrence, Petros Lolis, Julie Loi, Matina Nikolaidou, Léo Ravy, Leonardo Ruvolo, Andreas Sell, Dimitris Theodoropoulos, Pan Tzannetakis and Emma Williams


j. final poster

k. workshop with Szymon Adamzcak, Misho Antadze, Henna Hyvärinen, Martina Raponi and Julia Sokolnicka

l. dall-e imagery

m. custom font

n. design guidelines

o. alternate poster

p. alternate poster

q. alternate poster


r. final poster

s. final poster

t. workshop with Daniil Aleksin, Tomàs Eyzaguirre, Kelly Jang, Leslie Lawrence, Sophia Simensky and Kiran Bhatt, Maria Byck and Sun Chang
